ASP-IR. Scanning IR Spectrometer

A series of infrared spectrometer models with a scanning mechanism that allows IR range measurements without the need of an expensive CCD-array.
  ASP-IR-1.7 ASP-IR-2.6 ASP-IR-3.5
Spectral range, nm 500-1700 900-2600 1200-3450
Grating, grooves/mm 600 400 400
Scanning speed, nm/s up to 300 up to 400 up to 400
Spectral resolution, nm
0.5 0.8 1.2
Spectral resolution*, nm
(given for 400 um fiber core)
0.7 1.0 1.5
Optical scheme Czerny-Turner
Input type(1) free-space and SMA905 fiber socket (FC socket or fiber patch-cord on request)
Focal length, mm 150
Input slit, um 15
Output slit, um 20
Relative aperture 1:13
Photodetector InGaAs photodiode InAs PV cooled detector
Source pulse repetition rate, kHz any(2)
Detector active area height, mm 1
NEP [NEE]*(2...4), nW [pJ] 0.6 [0.15] 42 [2.5] 145 [7]
Relative dynamic range*(3) 3 [1.5] x105 7 [1] x105 6 [1.5] x104
ADC 16 bit, 65536 counts
PC connection USB
Dimensions (L x W x H), mm 225x136x81 295x136x81
Weight, kg 2.9 3.6
(1) – each spectrometer is equipped with a fiber socket and allows measurement of either free-space or fiber signals without any realignment
(2) – all spectrometers have two operational modes: CW (repetition rate from CW down to 6 kHz) and pulsed (up to 8 kHz for ASP-IR-1.7 and up to 25 kHz for ASP-IR-2.6 and ASP-IR-3.5); the pulsed mode has external trigger feature
(3) – dynamic range for pulsed mode given in brackets
(4) – NEP - noise equivalent power and NEE - noise equivalent energy are given at input beam diameter ~ 2 mm at peak sensitivity wavelength (ASP-IR-1.7 – 1.5 um, ASP-IR-2.6 – 2.3 um, ASP-IR-3.5 – 3.25 um)
* - typical values.

The ASP-IR boasts a scanning mechanism that allows measurements in IR range without using an expensive CCD array. This makes the spectrometer very attractive in terms of price in the market of IR spectrometers. The ASP-IR has impressive characteristics that provide precise laser emission analysis along the whole registered range with resolution of down to 0.5 nm. The unit also features a trigger signal input for convenient pulsed laser measurement.

The spectrometer has a special fiber input, allowing measurement of either free-space or fiber signals without any realignment.

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