
Fiber Femtosecond

Wavelength Pulse duration Average power Pulse energy Repetition rate
YFOA 1030...1053 nm <200 fs...300 ps 50 mW...20 W 0.7...285 nJ 70+/-10 MHz
ANTAUS 1030-1050 nm <200 fs >40 W >60 uJ up to 5 MHz
PErL 1560/780 nm 50 fs...5 ps >200 mW up to 2 nJ 30...100 MHz
EFO 1560±10 nm 50 fs...5 ps 10 mW...5 W 0.15...70 nJ 25...80 MHz
EFOA-SH 780/1560 nm 80...120 fs 200/440 mW 3/6.8 nJ 65 MHz
EFOA-UB 1100-2000 nm - >150 mW 3 nJ 50...70 MHz
EFOA-SH-UB 780/1560/1100-2000 nm <150 fs 50/150/130 mW 0.7...2.1 nJ 70 MHz
EFO-COMB 520-2200 nm - up to 250 mW 3.85 nJ Frep 125 MHz

Ti:Sapphire Femtosecond Lasers

Tuning range Pulse duration Average power Pulse energy Pulse repetition rate
TiF-DP 760-840 nm <20...100 fs 200 mW >2 nJ 90±10 MHz
TiF-SP 750-860 nm <12...50 fs 230...1300 mW 3...15 nJ 80±10 MHz
TiF-50 730-970 nm <50 fs up to 1 W up to 14 nJ 80 MHz
TiF-100 715-990 nm <100 fs >2.1 W >25 nJ 80 MHz

Yb-Doped Solid-State Femtosecond

Wavelength Pulse duration Average power Pulse energy Pulse repetition rate
TEMA 1050 nm 70...150 fs up to 12 W 25...150 nJ 80 MHz
TEMA-DUO 525/1050 nm <100…150 fs up to 6/12 W up to 75/150 nJ 80 MHz

Cr:Forsterite Femtosecond

Tuning range Pulse duration Average power Pulse energy Repetition rate
CrF 1230-1270 nm 35...140 fs 400...800 mW 4...20 nJ 30...96 MHz

Parametric Femtosecond Generators

Tuning range Pulse duration Average power Pulse energy Pulse repetition rate
TOPOL 230-4750 nm 130...250 fs up to 2 W >25 nJ 80 MHz

Multi-Channel Femtosecond Solid-State

Wavelength Pulse duration Average power Jitter btw. channels Pulse repetition rate
Tricolor 1050 / 525 / 800 nm 100-200 fs >1000 / 300 / 300 mW <1 fs 80 MHz

Femtosecond and CW Kits

Tuning range Pulse duration Average power Pulse energy Pulse repetition rate
Laser Kits 720-980 / 1240-1270 nm 15...100 fs up to 1 W up to 20 nJ 20...100 MHz

Continuous Wave and Diode Lasers

Wavelength Average power Bandwidth Operating principle Output type
TiC 690-1060 nm up to 1.8 W 2...45 GHz Ti:S crystal free-space/fiber-coupled
TEMA-CW 1010-1070 nm up to 7.5 W <45 GHz Yb-doped crystal free-space/fiber-coupled
CrF-CW 1190-1330 nm up to 900 mW <45 GHz Cr:F crystal free-space/fiber-coupled

Latest News

The TiF-100ST-F18-AU femtosecond high-power titanium-sapphire oscillator

Ti:S oscillator with up to 3 W output power at 100 fs

We have ramped up the maximum available output power for the TiF-100 series to more than 3 Watts at 800 nm, 100 fs, 80 MHz. The tuning range has also been extended to 720-950 nm, while an optional modification that covers 850-1040 nm is also available. The system features a high-power low-noise integrated DPSS laser […]

TiF-100ST-F6 femtosecond Ti:S oscillator with Frep locking for multiphoton microscopy at CANDLE, Armenia

The TiF-100ST-F6 femtosecond Ti:S oscillator with a built-in pump laser, also equipped with the ALock PLL electronics unit for pulse repetition rate locking to an external RF source has been installed at the Synchrotron Research Institute’s CANDLE facility in Armenia. The setup has been developed and commercialized during the joint Russia-Armenia project supported by FASIE (Innovation […]
