EFOA-SH-UB. Multi-Output Ultrafast Fiber Laser System

3 in 1: The EFOA femtosecond Er-doped fiber laser platform (1560 nm), supercontinuum generator (1100-2000 nm) and second harmonic generator (780 nm).
1560-nm output Central wavelength (fixed): 1560±10 nm
Pulse width: <150 fs
Output power: >150 mW
Pulse repetition rate (fixed): 70±5 MHz
Polarization: linear, horizontal
780-nm output (SH) Central wavelength (fixed): 780±5 nm
Pulse width: <150 fs
Output power: >50 mW
Spectrum width: >8 nm
Polarization: linear, vertical
Supercontinuum output Wavelength: 1100-2000 nm
Output power: >130 mW
Service outputs Fiber service output: 1560 nm, FC/APC (~1 mW) 
HF sync output: SMA connector
Mode-lock status: SMA connector (3.5/0 V) and LED
Output power stability
(24 hours), @780 nm
Power supply 110...220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Operating temperature 22±5 °C
Dimensions, mm
Laser head 430x455x120
Laser control unit 291x202x134

The EFOA-SH-UB laser system combines several laser sources on one platform: the EFOA femtosecond mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser (1560 nm output), a supercontinuum generator (1100-2000 nm output) and a second harmonic generator (780 nm). Simultaneous operation with all three wavelengths is possible along with switchable outputs mode.

The system is an indispensable basic tool for research laboratories as it combines a number of laser wavelengths in pulsed mode while maintaining compact size and ease of operation. The device finds its application in various physical, biological, medical areas and other natural sciences including such applications as: material processing, multiphoton microscopy, “pump-probe” spectroscopy, parametric generation and optical frequency metrology.

Femtosecond mode-locked lasers based on Er-doped fibers may be used as a more budget-friendly alternative to Ti:S and Cr:F femtosecond lasers. Fiber lasers do not require costly pump lasers that are used in traditional Ti:S femtosecond lasers.

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